[Guide] Ace Medical

1.1 Basic Medical

When hit, units start to lose blood depending on the severity of their wounds. Once the level of blood falls below a certain threshold, the unit will fall unconscious and eventually die. Units will also fall unconscious when sustaining large amounts of damage at once or from high amounts of pain.

1.1.1 Wounds, bandages and medications

1.1.2 Wounds

It’s pretty straightforward compared to advanced, you only have two types of wounds.

‌ Yellow: Small - medium-sized wound, a single bandage is usually enough. Red: Large wound, 2 or more bandages are usually needed.

1.1.3 Wounds

All of them have the same effect in Basic Medical.

1.1.4 Tourniquet

Serves no use in Basic Medical.

1.1.5 IVs

IV Effect
Saline Servers no use in Basic Medical
Plasma Servers no use in Basic Medical
Blood Restores the blood of the patient

Use the appropriate amount depending on the situation (low/heavy loss of blood) (250, 500 or 1 000 mL)

1.1.6 Autoinjectors

Autoinjector Effect
Morphine Removes pain
Epinephrine Wakes up the patient
Atropine Servers no use in Basic Medical
Adenosine Servers no use in Basic Medical

1.1.2 Treating the patient

Step 1: Is the patient responsive? Yes: Ask him if he has wounds / he is in pain. No: Go to step 2.

‌ Step 2: Is the patient wounded? Yes: Treat the wounds and go to step 3. No: Skip this step.

‌ Step 3: Is the patient in pain? Yes: Give him morphine. No: Skip this step.

‌ Step 4: Did the patient lose a lot of blood? Yes: Give blood via IV. No: Go to step 5. No, and patient responsive: You’re done.

‌ Step 5: If at this point the patient is still not back on its feet it’s time to use an epinephrine Autoinjector.

1.1.3 Revive (Basic Medical)

For the following procedure to work revive needs to be enabled.

  • A unit in the revive state will be unconscious and will stay unconscious until it is either woken up or the revive timer runs out.

  • A unit in the revive state can’t die from any source of damage, only the timer reaching 0 can kill it.

  • Each successful CPR will increase the time the unit can stay in the revive state.

  • To wake up a patient treat all of his wounds, make sure he isn’t in pain and then use epinephrine.

  • Each successful revive removes life from the unit, once the lives run out the next time the unit will take fatal damage it will not enter the revive state and will die.

‌For more Advanced medical then go to our docs